FLUX_MODEL_NAME="flux-schnell" # FLUX_MODEL_NAME="flux-dev" # HF_TOKEN="[insert HuggingFace token]" # Install libraries sudo apt update -y sudo apt install python3.10-venv -y # Go to the home directory of Ubuntu cd /home/ubuntu # Git clone and set working directory git clone https://github.com/black-forest-labs/flux.git cd flux # Set up the virtual environment python3 -m venv .flux_venv source .flux_venv/bin/activate # Install the packages pip install -e '.[all]' # Check if model name is flux-dev if [ "$FLUX_MODEL_NAME" = "flux-dev" ]; then huggingface-cli login --token "$HF_TOKEN" fi # Hotfix to allow set default server name to (localhost) sed -i 's/demo\.launch(share=args\.share)/demo.launch(share=args.share, server_name="")/' demo_gr.py # Run the demo on localhost python3 demo_gr.py --name $FLUX_MODEL_NAME